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The Northeast Climate Resilient Fisheries Network aims to help researchers connect, share ideas and methods, and foster greater collaboration and coordination across the climate resilient fisheries research community in the Northeast US.

Our Mission

Who are we?

The network is open to interdisciplinary researchers from across the Northeast US using social-ecological systems perspectives to examine climate resilient fisheries. We welcome researchers from all career stages and backgrounds to get involved! 

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Spurring connections

We hold regular virtual meetings, which include a mixture of webinars, discussion forums, and other activities, as well as opportunistic in-person meet ups. Topics include research ideas, findings, methods, problems and opportunities. 


Joining the network is free and you can be involved as much or as little as you want. We aim to hold a range of activities that have different levels of participation to reflect everyone’s workloads and commitments.


Our network currently benefits from a microgrant from SOA and EDF to help resource some

of the group’s activities.

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