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About us

The network is open to interdisciplinary researchers from across the Northeast US using social-ecological systems perspectives to examine climate resilient fisheries. We welcome researchers from all career stages and backgrounds to get involved!


The Network is currently run by Kat Maltby (Gulf of Maine Research Institute), Catie Alves (Save The Bay), Julia Mason (Environmental Defence Fund) and Nicky Roberts (Eating with the Ecosystem). We started this Network in hopes of building connections among people across the region who are working in the climate-resilient fisheries space. Working in social-ecological systems or other interdisciplinary or “in-between” fields can feel isolating–we were surprised to learn about each others’ parallel work and interests, and thought that many resilience researchers might feel similarly. Resilience is rapidly growing in its use across research, policy and practice and we wanted to create a space where we could informally discuss challenges, opportunities and methods/approaches, rather than waiting to read published papers and reports. 


We established the Network in May 2022, after meeting online at an American Fisheries Society Conference in November 2021. Between June 2022 - June 2023 we were lucky to receive funding from the Sustainable Ocean Alliance and Environmental Defence Fund through their Leadership for Climate Resilient Fisheries Fellowship program.


Since setting up the Network we have hosted virtual meetings, held two conference sessions (one at the AFS Southern New England chapter meeting in Boston, MA and one at the Effects of Climate Change on the World’s Ocean in Bergen, Norway), written a perspectives paper, and had a lot of fun and illuminating conversations along the way! 


We endeavor to keep our meetings informal and friendly in nature, and open to all who would like to participate, welcoming a mix of career stages and having meeting formats that have different levels of participation to reflect everyone’s workloads and commitments. If you’d like to join the Network, please get in touch!

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